Four signs you are ready jump into Presales

Four signs you are ready jump into Presales

Presales is a unique role. It is often referred to as a sales engineer or solution architect and is part of the sales organization. The U.S. Bureau of labor describes the work environment of a sales engineer as "stressful conditions because their income and job security depend on commission from successfully completing sales". Most sales engineers will work long and irregular hours to meet sales goals and client needs. However, this also describes what makes sales engineering fun and unique!

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A three-part plan that helped me get a promotion as a sales engineer

A three-part plan that helped me get a promotion as a sales engineer

When applying for a sales engineer role, you will see the job titled as either sales engineer, senior sales engineer or principal engineer.  Each title is more senior than the previous one land when I started my career in this field, I came in as a sales engineer.  My first promotion came after two years working as a sales engineer where I was promoted to a senior sales engineer. 

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Five tips from a Sales Engineer to crush your demo interview

Five tips from a Sales Engineer to crush your demo interview

I have had many people reach out for advice on how to nail their demo interview.  I have been on both sides of the interview (interviewer and interviewee) and I have seen a few that have stood out but most lack both preparation and creativity.  Personally, demo interview are my favorite type of interview as they enable the interviewee to express their passion on a product and set themselves up for success (since often they can create the use case).  As the interviewer, it gives me insight into how you will demo in front of customers, respond to difficult questions and time management.  What I have seen after interviewing numerous sales engineers is that the best engineers do 3-5 of the following: 

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