Four signs you are ready jump into Presales

Four signs you are ready jump into Presales

Presales is a unique role. It is often referred to as a sales engineer or solution architect and is part of the sales organization. The U.S. Bureau of labor describes the work environment of a sales engineer as "stressful conditions because their income and job security depend on commission from successfully completing sales". Most sales engineers will work long and irregular hours to meet sales goals and client needs. However, this also describes what makes sales engineering fun and unique!

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How did I get a job in sales engineering?

How did I get a job in sales engineering?

I hope that by sharing my story on how I discovered sales engineering can help you as you start exploring this new role.  I do want to highlight a few things that I believe helped me in being “discovered” as well as prepared me in this role.  The first experience that helped was my focus on a single product and the opportunity to own it and deploy it within Deutsche Bank.  

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